Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Entrepreneurs are the spirit and makeup of the free market capitalist system. Their risks make money, supply jobs, and invoke stability. entrepreneurs find better ways to get things done. ASU understands the importance of the concept. A wonderful program called the Edson Student Entrepreneur Initiative, really gets things rolling, giving students the opportunity to act off their ideas, and feed off the entrepreneurial vibe. The program states that "It provides funding, office space and training for teams of students across the university to explore their innovative ideas." The younger generation is deemed to be pretty skeptical, but that is the best thing yet, because skeptics fuel the fire of questions. Always seeking to justify the reasoning, and never being satisfied with the current method. Entrepreneurs take problems and make them opportunities. When there out and about they are always looking for ways to do things better, or utilize space. The spirit all ties in to ASU's Sustainability movement. In order to be sustainable its going to take the entrepreneurs to start it all. ASU understands that all their motives with the New American University, and Sustainability, are accelerated through creating opportunities for entrepreneurs. Thats all one needs.

Global Engagement

There is no doubt that the world is becoming a much smaller place. Technology and communication is connecting the world to a whole new dynamic. Arizona State realizes this, the university advertises the mantra of the New American University, is completely accurate. ASU has committed vast resources in providing curriculum, and opportunities, that parlay to the global level. The sheer concept of global engagement is extremely important. ASU has connected with a variety of outside countries, whether doing space endeavors in china, or economic projections in Colombia. ASU believes in global engagement, this is extremely important because globalization is rapid, its a reality. Alot people view it and project that children learning now in China & Russia, are better off leading the future of the world. That students in the U.S. are best riding the coat-tails. That notion is dead wrong. ASU and the U.S. utilizes something they don't have, something they aspire to have every day. That's freedom, the freedom to try and fail, learn and succeed. Knowing what it takes to get to the top and what it feels like to be at the bottom. The New American University, provides opportunities to learn, enrich. A spirit of trial and error; learning,with all the motivation to get back up and succeed. The spirit of engagement and being ready for the global world, is present here at ASU. The direction understands what needs to be done, as the aspiring students prepare to take the reigns.


Arizona State does alot to promote a diverse campus experience. I personally be live that they do to much to promote diversity, it seems very strong, i disagree with the force feed tactics. At the end of the day whether one is black, brown, green blue, white,Asian,Hindu,Blackanese; they all bleed the same color within, that's red. The fact that ASU tries to make it a diverse campus, kind of hints that they do select you based of your ethnicity.According to the University newspaper, the law school has been la bled as accepting people based on ethnicity With a goal to be all diverse if Johnny C has the same records as Johnny B, will they choose johnny B because he fits that ratio the best. . The same ratio they can brag about in propaganda like material. Perhaps i am naive to wish that none of the diversity jabber really mattered. The competition and social interaction would be based off pure charisma, and skill. It shouldn't look better on tax returns, if the diverse ratio is glorified, nor should one include an Asian or Latino, just so they can be politically correct. The notion to include and accept is wonderful, but if it takes universities to instill a massive movement, and fluff brochures with stats and ratios to get that point across. Then there are bigger issues to tend to.


Being successful is taking all the resources available and utilizing them to their greatest extent. The resources that the ASU library system offers are immense in there credibility, accessibly, and usefulness. ASU puts alot of service money and investments into its resource capabilities. To not utilize these resources would be a crime. Every class and situation can be me handled with more ease when utilizing the libraries resources. As full disclosure is the best situation, it is extremely important to know how to use the resources. The ASU libraries has a wonderful website that is easy to navigate. It can navigate through database pages, and filter mass sums of credible information. Access to advanced software programs is a capability as well. Any member of the ASU community can use software programs like; publisher,word,photoshop, to their full capabilities, without paying for the software. ASU provides every resource that is needed to success. It is very important for students to utilize the opportunities around them, and make the most of the investment they have put into themselves.

Academic Integrity

At the highest level of education, ones own work becomes their identity. The work and time one puts into a paper, or thesis. Is directly parlayed to the author. The content can be used in the future with potential jobs, and endeavors. The content is always strictly the intellectual property of the creator. There are no patent laws or trademarks for casual written scholarly anecdotes. However, it is the accepted ethics of society, to not improperly deface or use anothers "written Property." It is an an integrity issue that is treat with the highest regard. One can sabotage themselves, the investment of money in themselves, and their names. By not abiding by the basic intellectual property ethics of society. Academic dishonesty at any university is one of the worst markings one can obtain. It shows really one doesn't care, has a bad attitude, and lacks the will to learn and enrich. It is a lazy tactic that does no good. As lots of money and input, is put into preventing such a hapless crime. According to ASU guidelines every paper is filtered through an electronic system, that is of the highest complexity. Property is being documented and words systems are being used that protect the integrity of the creator. Plagiarism of essays is really just another form of identity theft. Stealing the intellectual property of others will not accomplish anything but satisfy a short term task, until the guilt, and fighting variables kick in, there is no hiding, and good name cannot run anywhere

Sucess at ASU

Success in attending any higher education university, is all in regard to attitude. Having a positive mindset with a will and a want to learn, will lead to success. The attitude is what positively enhances the necessary tools and actions to succeed. Basic tactics like being in class, and managing quality classwork, is all parlayed from the attitude. Having an attitude to communicate is very important, as communication is what separates us from the animals, talking to professors, will lead to full disclosure. Which is very important when making decisions, and justifying actions. With full disclosure in play it will be easier to manage time. From analyzing work hours, to weekend fun. Knowing what needs to be done lets one prioritize, which results in handling life in a stress free way. Making everything present on the priority mindset will alleviate stress, as incorporating social activity, and relaxation calms tensions (according to University of North Carolina Health Services). It should not be uncertain and stressful, if one knows the entire situation, it will be easier to adapt and act accordingly. A positive mindset with a willing attitude, will lead to full disclosure. Which will make higher education stress free, useful, and fun.

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